

The 十大网赌平台推荐 停车服务 Department is tasked with issuing 停车 permits and enforcing the 十大网赌平台推荐 停车 政策. Vehicle registrants and operators must comply with all 政策 regarding registration, 停车, 及操作《十大网赌平台推荐》所列的车辆. 所有在十大网赌平台推荐校园内的车辆必须在网上获得停车许可证, 或在校园停车前向校园安全(日间访客)登记.

如果您需要帮助,请与十大网赌平台推荐联系 停车services@gubingwang.com 或致电603-358-2227.

  1. 快速链接
  2. 游客
  3. 过夜的客人
  4. 允许销售
  5. 住宅停车场
  6. 残疾人专用停车位
  7. 违规停车
  8. 经常违规者政策
  9. 停车常见问题
  10. 安全提示


请到校园安全处登记车辆 点击这里. 这只对白天的游客开放,详情请参阅“过夜客人”部分. The visitor lot is located on Wyman Way between 基的房子 and the Living Learning Commons. 招生 visitors must park in designated admissions 停车 spaces in the Elliot Lot, 位于怀曼路,操场旁边, 或者在围栏边上的访客区. 访客停车场只供客人使用. 学生和教职员工不得在此停车场停车.


Student hosts may purchase a 停车 permit for their overnight guests for up to two consecutive nights. 客人通行证在网上出售 许可证仓库 在学生的账户下. 客人停车位仅限于温彻斯特停车场(位于沃尔玛后面).


所有许可证均在网上出售,网址为 许可证仓库. According to a designated schedule upperclassmen are provided the first opportunity to purchase residential 停车 permits. 停车许可证的收费表如下:

许可证类型 成本
调用程序 免费的
学生通勤 $150.00(年),90美元.00(学期)
学生居住 各不相同(见下文)
学生临时 $6.00(每日)
过夜旅客许可证 免费的


A residential student may apply for a 停车 permit for any lot designated for that residence hall. 授权住宅停车场的分配和价格如下:

住宅 成本
Pondside 1 住宅 温彻斯特街停车场(200美元).00年/ 120美元.00学期)
Pondside 2 住宅 Pondside 2停车场($300.或温彻斯特街停车场(200美元).00年/ 120美元.00学期)
Pondside 3 住宅 Pondside 3停车场($300).或温彻斯特街停车场(200美元).00年/ 120美元.00学期)
公司住所 温彻斯特街停车场(200美元).00年/ 120美元.00学期)
猫头鹰之巢 owl Nest停车场或One Butler Court停车场(300美元).或温彻斯特街停车场(200美元).00年.$120.00学期)
管家阁一幢 Owls Nest Parking lot, One Butler Court Parking lot or 麦迪逊街住宅停车场($300).或温彻斯特街停车场(200美元).00年/ 120美元.00学期)
卡尔的住所 温彻斯特街停车场(200美元).00年/ 120美元.00学期)
Holloway住所 一个巴特勒苑(Butler Court)或麦迪逊街(Madison Street)住宅停车场(300美元).00). 或温彻斯特街停车场(200美元).00年/ 120美元.00学期)
Fiske住所 麦迪逊街住宅停车场($300).或温彻斯特街停车场(200美元).00年/ 120美元.00学期)
女猎人住所 麦迪逊街住宅停车场($300).或温彻斯特街停车场(200美元).00年/ 120美元.00学期)

If a permit application is denied for a residential lot; the student must reapply for a Winchester lot permit (if desired). Residential Student permits are valid anytime the 住宅 Halls are open (Fall move in to the specified expiration date on the permit). Vehicles with residential student permits may only park in the areas assigned by the permit.


Temporary disability permits may be available by contacting the registry of motor vehicles of the applicants home state.

Individuals who need temporary accommodations due to injury or illness may apply 在线 for a KSC临时住宿许可证 作为获得国家颁发的许可证的替代方案(但是,有限制). 在申请之前,必须向学校提供证明文件 停车服务. Individuals with a KSC temporary disability permit may park in any faculty/staff or commuter lot (even overnight); however, 根据州法律, this permit does not authorized the use of designated handicapped spaces (A State issued permit would be required). This permit may be issued for a period not to exceed 30 days; a State issued temporary disability permit must be obtained for injuries/illness that exceed 30 days.


Vehicles found in violation of College 停车 政策 may be ticketed, immobilized or towed. Vehicle registrants are responsible for all fines and fees associated with policy enforcement. 违章停车应使用信用卡在线支付, 借记卡, or an electronic check; The 停车 office does not accept cash payments.

Vehicle owners have the right to appeal 停车 violations within fourteen days of the issue date of the ticket. 上诉由一个独立的停车上诉委员会进行审查, 由公正的校园社区组成. 上诉必须在线提交.


A permit holder whose vehicle has been issued three (3) or more unpaid 停车 tickets is considered a chronic violator, 在收到第四(4)张违章停车罚单后,将被拖走或停放. An un-permitted vehicle (Where the owner/operator has not registered with the 停车 office) may be towed or immobilize upon issuance of a second (2nd) unpaid 停车 ticket.


Resident students must purchase a temporary 停车 permit for themselves or their guests 在线.

I am a student, faculty, or staff; how do I get 停车 permit?
校园社区成员必须申请 在线.

如何更改我的帐户(例如添加或删除车辆)? 登录 你的账户 并根据需要进行更改. 你的用户名通常是你的电子邮件地址, 如果您忘记了密码,您可以更改密码.

第一个, check to ensure that you entered all of the numbers correctly and that you have entered the correct billing zip code (which may be different from where you live). 还要检查信用卡上的截止日期. Sometimes credit card companies reject a transaction because they believe that the charge may be fraudulent. Our third party credit card vendor is located in California and such a purchase may look out of the ordinary to your bank, 导致银行拒绝交易,以保护你和他们免受欺诈. This is often likely to occur if you have ever flagged 你的账户 for suspicious transactions, 或者你已经签署了额外的防欺诈保护. 为了解决这个问题, you should contact your credit card company and inform them that you authorize this charge.

请耐心点,有时你的许可证需要一段时间来处理. 如果您没有在购买24小时内收到许可证,请告知十大网赌平台推荐.

请解除等待 支付所有违规停车罚单. 一旦付款,请通过电子邮件通知十大网赌平台推荐十大网赌平台推荐将解除持有.

你有14天的时间对违章停车罚单提出上诉 在线. Appeals are heard by an independent 停车 appeals board 由公正的校园社区组成.

很有可能,你的车被拖到了 基恩车身. 你必须先 支付不定期机票,然后联系基恩车身以获得您的车辆. 603-352-3103

基恩州立学院社区由超过3个,800 members; however, 学院只有1个,608个停车位. The reason for charging for 停车 permits is to manage the vehicles parked on campus and to ensure that only those who need to park on campus are doing so. We set our rates so that they are consistent with other institutions within the 新罕布什尔大学系统, 并且与其他同样有高停车需求的学院和大学相当.

基恩州立学院社区由超过5个,000 members; however, 学院只有1个,608个停车位. We conduct 停车 enforcement to ensure that everyone is abiding by the KSC 停车 政策, 那些购买了停车许可证的人得到了他们所支付的服务. We are also responsible for ensuring that our 停车 lots are accessible to emergency response vehicles.

因为可用的停车位有限, registered vehicles are not guaranteed a space; Parking is on a “first-come, 出售的基础. 然而, the Winchester lot always has 停车 space available and is designated as the “overflow lot” when other lots are full. 试图解决这个问题, the College conducts strict 停车 enforcement to prevent and address 停车 violations, especially where a non-permitted vehicle is taking a space from a vehicle who has obtained a 停车 permit.

Revenue collected from 停车 permits and tickets are used in a variety of ways; however, they are all centered around four areas that are vital to student and community safety. These four areas include: 停车 services, shuttle services, communications, and access controls. 更具体地说, 这笔收入用于提供停车办公室/管理系统等服务, 校园安全穿梭巴士, 校园建筑的电子门禁系统, 校园视频监控系统, 学院总机, 校园安全调度服务, 校园安全档案管理系统, 以及其他相关领域. 作为一个非营利性机构,所有的收入都再投资到校园社区.

您的猫头鹰卡号码印在卡的正面. 如果你没有卡的话, 您可以致电603-358-2869与猫头鹰卡办公室联系获取此信息, 或致电603-358-2228查询校园安全.


  • 永远锁好你的车,即使你只打算离开它几分钟.
  • 当你停车时,不要把贵重物品放在显眼的地方.
  • 如果你在天黑后返回你的车辆,try to park under a light and close to a building or call 校园安全 for an on-campus escort.
  • 开车时,锁好车门.
  • 如果你认为你被跟踪了, 不把车开到你的停车场, 而是开车到一个人多的地方,打电话给当地当局.
  • Report all unusual circumstance to the Department of 校园安全 or the Keene Police Department immediately.
  • 校园社区可获得额外的交通安全教材.



603-358-2228 一年365天,每天24小时
ksccampussafety@gubingwang.com, 没有全天候监控


校园安全总监 & 合规

星期一至星期五:上午8点.m. 到下午4:30.m.