

无论你对未来的计划是什么, Keene State can give you the knowledge and skills to put you on the path to success. 你是否认为自己是一个艺术家, 一个老师, 一个护士, 一个科学家, 体育教练, 商业领袖, a designer for 高科技 manufacturing – let your imagination be your guide – we offer over 40 areas of study to get you where you want to go.

Check out our list of programs – plenty of wise choices await.

You're not alone – 40+ areas of study is a lot to choose from, and a lot of students just out of high school aren't sure exactly what they want for a career. 十大网赌平台推荐也能帮上忙. 的 学术与就业中心 in Elliot Hall has lots of experience helping students find just the right fit.


的 scientific study of human beings investigates the biological, 社会, 以及日常生活的文化细节.


艺术及技术培训, 特别强调可持续设计, 解决问题, 还有协作工作.

艺术 & 设计缩略图图标艺术 & 设计

Encompasses the fine arts, graphic design, studio art, and art history. 把你的才能提升到专业水平.


你注定要学生物学吗? KSC’s distinguished faculty is known for nurturing promising science students.

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成功的管理者需要强大的管理能力, 定量, and communication skills with a liberal arts and sciences foundation.

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对任何有志从事科学事业的人来说都是必不可少的, 你可以使用实验室里所有很酷的设备.


如何有说服力地辩论, 如何创建和表达一个信息, how to make ethical decisions: these skills underlie the study of Communication.

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的 mathematical foundations of computer science, programming, architecture, and database systems.

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Construction managers help ensure that the projects under their direction are completed on time and on budget.

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Prepares students for a variety of occupational safety and health program management positions in private and public construction.

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研究公民社会的法律基础, 从法医学到宪法, 了解美国.S. 刑事司法制度.

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十大网赌平台推荐快节奏的生活中, 高科技, 相互联系的世界, 你能想象一个更准时的吗, 比网络安全更有活力?

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Integrate the liberal arts with professional training at all levels from early childhood through high school. 自1954年以来获得NCATE认证.

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爱文字的光辉与复杂? Focus on literature or writing; delve into medieval studies.

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领域的研究, 探究性项目, and research on environmental issues across the natural and 社会 sciences.

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为学生在力量和体能方面的职业生涯做准备, 社区或公司健康计划, 以及联合健康专业的研究生学位.

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集中在电影制作和关键分析. KSC grads have gone on to distinguished careers in the film industry and academia.

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Our 金融 Program is a tight-knit community where students are introduced to relevant economic and financial theory, 金融部门的制度格局, and develop skills in financial accounting and wealth management.

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健康科学 is an interdisciplinary program grounded in the liberal arts. 该专业包括健康促进课程, 营养, 上瘾, 体育活动, 生物学, 化学与心理学.

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为什么历史? Because “those who don’t understand the past are condemned to repeat it” (George Santayana).

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美国的第一个四年制学士学位.S. examines both the Holocaust and the broader topic of genocide. Students may spend a semester at the Centre for European Studies at Jagiellonian University in Poland.

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写作, 编辑, and presenting effective stories for both print and broadcast media, 从文科的角度来看.

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If you’re thinking about going to law school or seeking a law-related position after you earn your college degree, 你会想要研究法律研究专业.

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Four years of math, from calculus to capstone, add up to a bachelor’s degree.

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合成选项, 音乐教育, 表演, 音乐技术, 获得音乐文学学士学位

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Are you interested in learning about the brain and how it functions, 理解各种科学概念, 发现是什么决定了人类的行为?

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A program designed for individuals seeking to start a career in healthcare as a registered nurse prepared at the baccalaureate level (BSN).

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教师认证和儿童选项 & 青少年体育活动专员.

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如果当地, 国家, 全球政治是你的激情所在, 政治学将为你成为积极的公民做准备.

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人类行为的生物学和社会基础是什么? Engage in original research and community-based practicum experiences, and find out.

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安全 & 职业健康应用科学缩略图图标安全 & 职业卫生及应用科学

Work in the 高科技 TDS Center and learn about health and safety in the workplace, 遵守法规, 以及现场领导.

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十大网赌平台推荐的社交媒体专业是为那些好奇的人量身定制的, those eager to stay on top of trends and interactive technology, 以及无限的想象力.

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为什么群体中的人会有这样的行为方式? Answer this big question through systematic study of 社会 and cultural forces, 理论, 以及研究方法.

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掌握西班牙语的书面和口语, 了解历史和当前的问题, 去西班牙或拉丁美洲学习. ¡你好!

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Do you enjoy participating in sports, talking about sports, or even being a spectator? A Bachelor of Science from 十大网赌平台推荐’s 体育及康乐管理 major might be for you.

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A new generation of professionals is needed to develop solutions and positive societal change to bring about a more sustainable world.

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可持续产品设计 & 创新缩略图图标可持续产品设计 & 创新

新的消费产品是如何设计的? KSC’s program values sustainability and sound business practices. 从一开始就动手,基于项目的学习.

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Redfern艺术中心作为表演实验室, 学生可以专攻现代舞或戏剧艺术.

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专业教育工作者的认证选择 thumbnail icon专业教育工作者的认证选择

从学校管理到普通特殊教育, 十大网赌平台推荐的课程提供各种各样的认证选择, 包括16个内容领域学科.

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的 防止暴行研究生证书 is broken down into three main themes, 围绕Dr设计的. James Waller’s model of atrocity prevention: Upstream Prevention, 中游的预防, 下游的预防.

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基恩州立艺术学院, 教育, and Culture is proud to offer a Master of 教育 with four options: Curriculum and Instruction, 教育领导, 和特殊教育.

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历史与档案文学硕士学位 thumbnail icon历史与档案文学硕士学位

M.A. in 历史 and Archives provides professional training in the fields of archive administration and public history.

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预防种族灭绝和人类安全文学硕士 thumbnail icon预防种族灭绝和人类安全文学硕士

M.A. in Genocide Prevention and Human Security (GPHS) prepares students to engage the major 21st century challenges to peace as scholars and practioners.

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的 fully online Master’s program in Public Health 营养 is for professionals, such as registered dietitians (RDs) and non-RDs in the health field, who are seeking graduate school opportunities to remain competitive in the job market.

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公共卫生营养学硕士,营养学实习 thumbnail icon公共卫生营养学硕士,营养学实习

If you have a bachelor’s degree in a nutrition-related field and you’d like to become a Registered Dietitian (RD), you’ll need to attend a Dietetic Internship as part of a 国家 accr编辑 process.

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在线安全硕士 & 职业健康应用科学缩略图图标在线安全硕士 & 职业卫生及应用科学

Gain the latest knowledge and professional connections in the high-demand safety industry with Keene State’s 36-credit online master’s program.

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